13 Cool Facts To Show Off In Front Of Your Friends

This world is filled to the dang brim with amazing facts, wild tid bits and surprising info. It can be easy to forget that amidst the monotony of traffic, bad TV and annoying managers. We're here to remind you: “Hey, wait one second there fella, there's plenty of stimulating knowledge to absorb in this mysterious life, so how about that?” What's that you ask? You'd like to learn from cool facts to show off to your friends? Well, you've come to the right place.
Did you know Arthur C. Clarke tried to get an Indian film director to sue Steven Spielberg? Clarke was convinced Spielberg stole the movie idea for E.T. from the director.
In Space Jam, when Bill Murray explains how come he’s in the toon world, he’s … actually literally correct.
Want to learn more? Of course you do! You're only human. Don't just stand there, get to scrolling! Here’s the full story, plus 12 others:

Source: Pennsylvania State University

Source: Nerdist

Source: MTV
Space Jam

Source: IMDB

Source: Hindustan Times

Source: JSTOR

Source: Euractiv

Source: HowStuffWorks

Source: NASA
Nuclear Weapons

Source: The Drive

Source: University of Houston

Source: Hy-Vee

Source: Sacramento Business Journal