Tell Us Now: The 16 Best Pranks You've Witnessed

There's nothing better than a good prank unless, of course, it's the victim of the prank. Of course, there's always a thin line between funny and mean, so it's important to know when to pull out the pranks and when to just keep your laughter to yourself. There is nothing like a good prank to make someone's day. Whether you are the one doing the pranking or the one on the receiving end, it always seems to bring a smile to everyone's face. But what is the best prank you have ever pulled or been on the receiving end of?
There's a fine line between pulling a prank and just doing a mean stunt. But you gotta admire people who can walk that line gracefully. Today, we are going to find out. We want to hear all about your favorite pranks – both big and small – and why you think they are so great. So, whether you are looking for some prank ideas or just want to share a funny story, be sure to join in on the fun today!