Tell Us Now: What Was The Last Straw That Made You Quit Your Job?

We had had enough. We had been putting up with crap from our boss for months, and we were done. Our job was stressful enough without having to deal with her constant micromanaging and nitpicking. We had tried talking to her about it, but she just didn't seem to understand how her behavior was affecting us. So, we decided to take matters into our own hands and quit. It felt liberating, like a weight had been lifted off of our shoulders. And it was the best decision we ever could have made for our mental health. No job is worth that kind of stress.
We asked Cracked readers on Facebook, "What was the final straw before you quit your job?" The answers were, understandably, bleak examples of exploitative workforces. Quitting your job is a big decision. It's not one to be taken lightly. You have to ask yourself, "What was the last straw that made me quit my job?" because that's the straw that broke the camel's back. You've been miserable at your job for a while, and you're just done. Enough is enough. You might be scared of what comes next, but you know it's time to make a change. So, what are you waiting for? Quit your job and find something new!
Here are 17 very understandable responses to ridiculous work situations.