15 Celebrity Hobbies That Don’t Get A Lot Of Coverage

Celebrities may only appear to do things like make a movie, spend money, record an album, spend money, plug a television show, or spend money, but they have more to their lives aside from how they appear to live when they're being interviewed for making a movie, recording an album, or plugging a television show. Like you, they have some free time to kill before they go back to work. Some of them actually have hobbies, like you or me! Others have expensively weird hobbies, unlike you or me!
Between concerts, Frank Sinatra collected toy trains like your dad or your uncle. Unlike your dad and your uncle, Kesha and Demi Lovato channel extra terrestrials through meditation. The grandfatherly Dick Van Dyke is into making 3D animation and modeling, just like your grandpa. You know, basic hobby stuff.
Here's a complete list of unique hobbies from various celebrities. Maybe you can relate to them?
Joaquin Phoenix

Source: The Hollywood Reporter

Source: NME

Source: ET Online
Prince Albert

Source: ESPN
Justin Bieber

Source: US Magazine

Source: ArtNet

Source: NME

Source: Trains.com, LATimes

Source: The Guardian

Source: Inquirer

Source: Vulture

Source: Harpers Bazaar

Source: EOnline

Source: MeTV

Source: Vulture