16 Bizarre Non-Food Stunts From Fast Food Companies

You'd think the fast food industry would have its hands full, between replacing bread with various fried meats, and appropriating cultures to sling oddly-colored beef. But they've also found the time and energy to pull some non-food-related shenanigans. Cutting up a nose with a mistletoe drone? Definitely. Burger King begging for a Michelin star? Of course they tried for one. Burger King giving out the most vanilla sexy sex toys of all time? Yup yup yup. Burger King showing off that their burgers turn moldy? Why not! Wow, Burger King has done some weird stuff. Let’s switch it up. The Colonel and his greasy fried chicken. What weird stuff has been tried in the holy name of KFC? If you answered, “publishing a sultry romance novel about desire’s tender wings,” you are correct! Of course they did – why wouldn’t they? We’d read it. Maybe. In private. Maybe in the office. Out loud. Together. Okay okay, we’ll admit it, we have a weekly book club and our first pick was that.

Krispy Kreme

Bath Bombs