15 Big-Screen Adaptations That Left Out Weird Or Dark Details

That Game of Thrones didn’t find time for zombie Catelyn Stark is truly criminal.
15 Big-Screen Adaptations That Left Out Weird Or Dark Details

Who doesn't enjoy a good movie? In the days of VHS tapes, seeing a movie in your home was a special occasion. You'd get all your friends together, order pizza, and make a night of it. These days, with technology like Netflix and Hulu, watching movies has become something we do every day.

It's no secret that Hollywood often takes liberties when it comes to adapting novels and other works of fiction for the big screen. In most cases, these changes are made in order to make the story more appealing to a wider audience. However, sometimes filmmakers take things too far in their efforts to "clean up" the story and end up leaving out weird or dark details that were an important part of the original work.

There are a lot of things Hollywood gets wrong when it comes to adapting books to the big screen. Sometimes they leave out important plot points or change character development arcs. But sometimes, they also omit weird or dark details that made the book interesting in the first place.

Here are a few examples of big-screen adaptations that left out weird or dark details.

Game of Thrones

In the books, Ramsay Bolton is somehow even more twisted. He killed at least one of his brothers, and he might have killed more His father, Roose, was sure that his other sons weren't safe as long as Ramsay lived. CRACKED.COM

Source: Vulture

The Hunger Games

Haymitch was a way worse person in the Hunger Games books. Haymitch shows up at the Reaping Ceremony so drunk that he falls over on stage, and he's a total prick to Katniss throughout the books. CRACKED.COM

Source: Vulture

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