13 Incredible Now-You-Know Facts About Russia

Some countries go to any lengths and depths to stake their claim.
13 Incredible Now-You-Know Facts About Russia

Some vast empires have wasted their time trying to rearrange the calendar. Russia just said “there are no weekends, that's all you need to know. Now get back to work!”

And nothing bad or weird ever happened in Russia ever again. 

The Russian Military

Russia's military makes. its arsenal look more imposing with inflatable weapons. It's literally a bunch of tanks, radar stations, and everything between that look real from a distance but are inflatable -- they're very cheap and reasonably convincing. NOW YOU KNOW CRACKED.COM

Source: BBC


Russian prisoners tattooed images of Lenin and Stalin as protective amulets. While the USSR existed, some prisoners believed guards weren't allowed to shoot Lenin's and Stalin's faces, so they got those tattooed on their chests. NOW YOU KNOW CRACKED.COM

Source: BBC

At one point, the government in one part of Siberia paid teachers with vodka. HAS CABRHCHAR dis NYTNHY NACTORILAS CrAHDAPT PUTINK 000 LOCb MOTORISE The government ran out of money, so it gave teachers 15 bottles each. They were happy with that, since they could resell it in local markets. NOW YOU KNOW CRACKED.COM

Source: BBC

Let's try it

You could completely fit Pluto within Russia's borders (but Pluto's area is greater). Russia is about 6,000 kilometers wide and 3,000 kilometers high, and Pluto has a diameter of 370 kilometers so, in 2D, it could fit inside Russia. NOW YOU KNOW CRACKED.COM

Source: RBTH

Until 2011, beer was officially considered a soft drink in the Russian Federation. Before that, anything with less than 10% alcohol was classified as foodstuff, and classifying beer as alcoholic gave the government more control over it. NOW YOU KNOW CRACKED.COM

Source: BBC

Who let the Dutch out

The Russian flag was heavily inspired by the Dutch flag (thanks to the Tsar). When Russia started to develop shipbuilding in the 1600s, they invited Dutch shipbuilders over, who suggested a flag like theirs. The Tsar agreed. NOW YOU KNOW CRACKED.COM

Source: RBTH

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