14 Facts About Our Favorite Y2K Pop Stars
This one goes out to everyone who wants it that way...

Whether you lived it or are part of Gen Z's weird nostalgia for it, bubblegum pop had a moment during the early 2000s, and we refuse to let it die. I may not remember my grandmother's birthday, but I can tell you exactly where I was when I first saw Justin and Britney's matching denim outfits. Here are 14 interesting facts about our favorite millennial pop stars.

Source: Vogue

Source: Good Morning America

Source: Hollywood Reporter

Source: Vogue

Source: E!

Source: RIAA

Source: The Frank Skinner Show

Lil’ Bow Wow

Source: Alabama Local
Britney Spears

Source: New York Times
Britney Spears

Source: Rolling Stone
Jessica Simpson

Source: D Magazine

Source: NY Post