13 Now-You-Know Facts About Planes, Trains, and...Ships

Cruise ships have a morbid side...
13 Now-You-Know Facts About Planes, Trains, and...Ships

Whichever mode of transportation you prefer, there's probably some weird stuff going down on it. Here are 13 fun facts about airplanes, ships, and railroads for your daily commute, whichever way you travel.


Ships full of weapons exist in international waters to defend against pirates. Private security firms offer armed guards for merchant ships in high risk areas. NOW YOU KNOW CRACKED.COM

Source: BBC

The Titanic

The wreck of Titanic may completely disappear by 2032. Bacteria is slowly eating away at the remains of the ship. NOW YOU KNOW CRACKED.COM

Source: BBC

The London Necropolis Railway USED to carry dead bodies. SOUTHERN RAILWAY. LONDON NECROPOLIS COFFIN TICKET WATERLOO to BROOKWOOD From 1854 to 1941, the train ran from London to the Brookwood Cemetery. Family and friends of the departed could also ride. NOW YOU KNOW CRACKED.COM

Source: BBC

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