15 Surprisingly Disastrous Auditions By Famous Actors

They asked Glenn Close to seduce John Travolta, and it went as well as you’d expect.
15 Surprisingly Disastrous Auditions By Famous Actors

Auditions by famous actors are always interesting to watch. Many people want to see how the actor portrays themselves and if they can live up to the hype. In Shakespeare's time, plays were performed by professional actors who were hired by the theatre company. These days, many actors start their careers in small towns and cities across the country by auditioning for roles in local productions. However, some famous actors got their start by auditioning for major Broadway or Hollywood productions.

Poor choices, bad luck, and other unfortunate events led to these performers bombing their tryouts and never landing the role.

There are many actors out there who, for one reason or another, have had some pretty disastrous auditions. Some of these actors are quite famous, while others may not be as well-known. But regardless of their level of fame, all of these actors endured an audition that they would likely like to forget. So without further ado, here are some famous actors who had surprisingly disastrous auditions.

The Walking Dead

Lauren Cohan auditioned for The Walking Dead by sticking her head out of a castle window. She was in an Irish castle for a wedding, and they asked her to film herself with more light, but it was super dark so she poked her head out and filmed that. CRACKED.COM

Source: Vulture

American Gigolo

Glenn Close's audition for American Gigolo was so humiliating. She walked into a scene with John Travolta in a bed (with eight other people there), and neither of them knew their lines so she had no idea what to do. CRACKED.COM

Source: Variety

Elizabeth Olsen

Elizabeth Olsen's audition for Game of Thrones was her most awkward. N They asked her to audition as Dany with and without a British accent, delivering the speech right after she emerges from the fire in season 1. It was terrible, she says. CRACKED.COM

Source: Vulture

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