The Final Frontier: 13 Now-You-Know Facts About Space And Space Travel

This article is all about space! Well, specifically, it's about space travel and the many misconceptions people have about it. For instance, a lot of people think that traveling to space is ridiculously expensive - but that's not always the case! So if you're curious to know more about this fascinating topic, keep reading.
Have you ever looked up at the stars and wondered about space? Maybe you've dreamed of traveling to other planets or exploring the universe. If so, you're not alone! In this blog post, we'll share some interesting facts about space and space travel. We'll also explore some of the challenges that come with exploring outer space. So if you're curious about space, read on! You might be surprised by what you learn.
It's important to keep things in perspective because nothing illustrates how minor even your most serious situation is when you consider how small our galaxy is in comparison to the cosmos, let alone our planet. We're little specks with no understanding of the vastness of space that surrounds us. Here are 13 facts to keep your unimportant mind occupied because, after all, nothing truly matters...

Source: CNN

Source: NASA and National Geographic

Source: The Space Review

Source: Archive of American Television
Pizza Hut

Source: BBC
Neil Armstrong

Source: NBC News

Source: NASA

Source: Vox

Source: PopSci

Source: NASA

Source: Snopes

Source: Space

Source: The Guardian