15 Amazing And/Or Weird Celeb Projects We Nearly Got

In another timeline, Nic Cage’s greatest role is Superman.
15 Amazing And/Or Weird Celeb Projects We Nearly Got

When you think of celebrities, what comes to mind? Glamorous lifestyles, red carpets, and luxurious vacations? While that may be true for some stars, others are a little more...unique. Just because someone is famous doesn't mean they're not weird. In fact, celebrities are some of the quirkiest people on the planet. They do things that normal people would never think of doing, and they have habits that make no sense to anyone but them. If you don't believe me, just take a look at some of the weirdest celebrity behaviors out there. You won't regret it!

In this article, we'll take a look at some of the more bizarre projects celebrities have undertaken throughout their careers. From making music to acting in movies to launching their own businesses, these stars definitely march to the beat of their own drummer! So without further ado, let's take a look at some of the weirdest celebrity projects ever!

In the '90s, Tim Burton was supposed to make a Superman movie starring Nic Cage. Superman was going to be kind of a weird outcast sort of like Edward Scissorhands, and he picked Cage because Cage was the right kind of awkward. CRACKED.COM

Source: BBC

John Williams

John Williams almost composed an all-new theme song for Mission: Impossible. He was the first choice for the movie's composer, but he wanted to start from scratch rather than rework the TV show's theme, so they fired him. CRACKED.COM

Source: NPR

The Beatles

At one point, The Beatles were set on making a Lord of the Rings adaptation. They tired to get the film rights in the 1960s (and to get Stanley Kubrick as the director), but J.R.R. Tolkien wasn't having any of it, so the movie fell through. CRACKED.COM

Source: BBC

The Wire

David Simon wanted to do another season of The Wire about on immigration. He didn't do that because neither he nor anyone on his team had done research on it (or even spoke any Spanish), so getting up to speed would have taken a while. CRACKED.COM

Source: VICE

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