16 Random Facts About John Cena, Anime, And Director's Cuts

Is anyone else out there as obsessed with random facts as I am? I could sit down and spend hours reading random factoids online. And, of course, when I'm bored at work, the first thing I do is pull up my phone to check out some new fun facts. It's just a habit at this point. Anyway, today I thought it would be fun to share some of my favorite random facts with you all. So without further ado, here are interesting bits of information that you may or may not have known before!
Were you hoping to pick up some new skills today? Well, bad luck — you've arrived, and you can't get away from knowledge now. What's a little more trivia to cram into your head, right? It's good trivia, mind you, the kind we've carefully selected for you. So open your skull and allow us to send this data directly to your cerebral cortex. You can also continue reading. Whichever you'd like.
John Cena

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