13 Odd (And Sometimes Terrifying) Now-You-Know Facts About Facebook

Sure, you probably didn’t think Facebook was kind and benevolent … but you probably didn’t know just how screwed up it was.
13 Odd (And Sometimes Terrifying) Now-You-Know Facts About Facebook

Somehow, Facebook thought it would be totally cool to run an experiment to try and influence the emotions of almost 700,000 people in real time. Here’s the full story, plus 12 others:

Science confirmed that lurking on Facebook is a good way to get driven into depression. That's what a University of Copenhagen study of almost 1,000 people found - and it also found that engaging rather than lurking leaves you feeling much better. NOW YOU KNOW CRACKED.COM

Source: BBC


In 2011, Facebook was mentioned in one third of all divorce filings. DIVORCE And in 2012, over four fifths of divorce lawyers in the U.S. said social networks' role in divorce proceedings was growing. NOW YOU KNOW CRACKED.COM

Source: ABC

Cops have been heavily relying on Facebook since as far back as 2012. In a 2012 survey, among cops who used social media, 80% of them said they use it to investigate crime. NOW YOU KNOW CRACKED.COM

Source: CNN

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