15 Bonkers Collections That Only The Rich And Famous Can Afford

Some kids used to collect baseball cards when they were younger. Other people preferred pogs. Some people get into stamps or even coins. Some people collect rare books. Collections can act as a reminder of areas we've been in as well as the recollections we've made there. Maybe if we had the financial resources, we would start collecting vehicles, high-end pencils, jewelry, and other exciting objects.
However, certain people have really peculiar tastes. Many individuals have made a conscious effort to collect things you'd never think to gather. And because these individuals have the financial resources to do so, the collections grow to be as large as they are bizarre.
Some of these activities may appear accessible at first glance but delve a little deeper, and it's evident that we regular people can't compete. You may believe you have a bug collection to rival Anna Faris, but she may combine her bugs with Chris Pratt's bugs at any time and put yours to shame
Norman Reedus

One of the few not-weird things about Quentin

Demi Moore

Strange Collections
