14 Impractical, Useless or Downright Dangerous Superhero Costume Accessories

A superhero is only as iconic as their costume err… supersuit. Whatever super activity they have to super do, their suit needs to super accommodate. And most of the time, that activity is fighting bad guys and supervillains. So, if they have to spend all their time fighting, why are they outfitted with costume accessories that just make their lives more difficult? From all that exposed skin to all the extra bit of dangly stuff that would be easy for an evil schemer to grab onto and wrestle them to the ground, there’s so many unnecessary and even straight up counterproductive examples of superheroes making it clear that they are just not that great at accessorizing. Here are 14 of those fashion frills that hurt heroes more than help. Aspiring superheroes, take notes – learning from these could very well be the difference between kicking super ass or getting super kicked in the ass.



Superhero Tropes
