13 Facts About The Smartphones We Spend All Our Time On
Once we started getting those weekly usage reports about our screen time, we realized we had a problem: we have absolutely no idea how this thing we do everything on works. Oh, and also it said our screen time was up 652% and we averaged 21.47 hours a day last week, but that’s not really what’s bothering us. No no, it’s definitely the fact that we don’t know how this smartphone gizmo works.
So we took it upon ourselves to get educated, and after using our phones to do our research, we realized the battery was low and it needed to get charged. But right as we were about to plug it in, we happened to learn something that seemed important: we should not be letting our phone batteries get completely drained before plugging them in. Well, this phone was a wash, but for the next one we’ll have it figured out.