15 Bonkers Books Written By Famous People (Who Weren’t Writers)

Whoa ... Keanu wrote a comic.
15 Bonkers Books Written By Famous People (Who Weren’t Writers)

Apparently, celebs really like writing books in their spare time. Judging by this list, anyway -- here are 15 celebs who bravely published some truly appalling and/or amazing literature, in some cases probably against the advice of everyone around them:


Dick Cheney's wife Lynne published a lesbian romance novel. S0NET454-411204-52.500 SISTERS LYNNECHENEY TTHENON'EL ONA STRONOO AND EALITIFLL WYMLANY W B80E ALLTHE RULISOETHE ALERICRS FRONTIER Sisters was considered so controversial, Cheney persuaded the publisher not to re-issue it in the 2004 re-election year (it was written about 25 years earlier). CRACKED.COM

Source: CNN

Kareem Abdul-Jabbar

Kareem Abdul-Jabbar co-wrote a novel about Sherlock Holmes' brother Mycroft. SAKS OIEESTSELIWCAETEC KAREEM LJABBAR ANNA WATERHOUSE ITWOVELTT MYCROFT SHERLOCK AND It's a murder mystery set in the days of Mycroft's youth that kind of functions as an origin story. CRACKED.COM

Source: LA Times

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