15 Ding-Dong Early Versions Of Movie Characters

In an alternate universe, Ariel was basically Barbie with a tail.
15 Ding-Dong Early Versions Of Movie Characters

Truly, the creative process is unpredictable … but sometimes, the places it winds through are inexplicably weird. Let us tell you about 15 movie characters that involved that kind of creative process:

Charlie from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory was written as a Black kid. Roald Dahl changed his mind about that only because his agent thought it'd be a bad idea.

Source: NPR


Frasier's Maris was supposed to show up n-screen after the first few episodes. Instead, she never appeared on-screen, and they never cast the part. Two or three episodes in, she was already sO bizarre, she was uncastable. So we just went, 'Well, we're never going to see her, says co-creator

Source: Yahoo

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