15 Rando Facts About Other Countries

In some places, calling for a waiter won’t get you far.
15 Rando Facts About Other Countries

Every country has its own customs … and, apparently, that extends to the way you get a waiter’s attention. Here’s the full story, plus 14 others:

South Africa has three capitals. Cape Town Cape Town is the legislative capital, Pretoria is the administrative capital, and Bloemfontein is the judiciary capital. South Africa was born from the unification of four British colonies, and they couldn't agree on a city that would be the single capital. CRACKED.COM

Source: BBC


All 40,000 of Chile's firefighters are volunteers. B VBEROS NONOA They even have to pay monthly contributions to their stations, and they largely don't want to be paid- this is a tradition that dates to the founding of the service over 150 years ago.

Source: BBC

In Argentina, there's a literal Welsh village. It was founded in the 19th century by a group of 150 emigrants who wanted a place where they could preserve Welsh identity- and today, Welsh is still spoken there, and traditional Welsh rituals are practiced. CRACKED.COM

Source: BBC

To get a waiter's attention in Myanmar, you have to make a kissing sound. It's kind of like the sound you'd make to call a cat, and it consists of two or three kisses. CRACKED.COM

Source: CNN

Denmark is home to the biggest July 4th celebrations outside the U.S. They're held at Copenhagen's Rebild National Park, which was gifted to the King and country by a group of Danish Americans on the condition that it remained a public space to celebrate American holidays.

Source: BBC

Book Publishing

Iceland has the world's highest count of books read and books published per capita. Icelanders are so into books, 10% of them publish one. CRACKED.COM

Source: BBC


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