Shkreli Awards: The Most Egregious Cases of Health Care Profiteering and Dysfunction in the COVID Era

Say whatever you want about Martin Shkreli, but his achievements can’t be denied -- he has already gone down in history as the gold standard for capitalistic douchebaggery. The day science finally devises a shithead-o-meter, the unit used for most people will be the milliShkreli. But Shkreli isn’t a freak of nature, or a bug in the system. He didn’t fall to Earth in a meteorite made of bullcrap -- the rot that spawned the Shkrellimaggot was already here, in the form of a broken, profit-driven health care industry.
And to underline how wrecked the whole thing is, the non-profit Lown Institute has created the Shkreli Awards, which they describe as a "top ten list of the worst examples of profiteering and dysfunction in health care." Let’s start with a few dishonorable mentions first, and then move on to the winners...

Source: Lown Institute


Source: Lown Institute