Ace Ventura 2 And 14 Other Sequels That Bafflingly Made More Money Than The Original

Writing a movie without pre-existing IP is hard. Marvel, DC, Star Wars, Disney, and Pixar are guarenteed to make more money than can fill all their swimming pools, Scrooge McDuck-style. But making a movie from an original concept is trickier. If people don't like it, bummer. If people dig your flick, then they'll tell their friends about it, reviewers will praise, and advertisers will ramp up the TV spots. That's when you make your millions. As time goes by, the demand for a sequel grows. The unmassed washes clamor for more! Unfortunately, the sequel is almost never as good as the original, and few things live up to hype.
It makes sense on paper that a sequel would benefit from a few years of growing a fandom. That doesn't mean the box office makes sense. We’ll just never be able to wrap our heads around Tron Legacy absolutely crushing Tron at the box office.

American Pie 2