15 Author Responses To Their Books Being Banned

For people who are scared of the power of a few words, standing up against a person who professionally uses words is a bold choice. That’s like being scared of boxing or professional fighters and then challenging them to a fight. So, here are 15 different authors' responses to their books being challenged, mostly by parents worried about exposing their children to sensitive subjects.
But many of the books are ultimately advocating for good things, like, ironically enough, not banning books. Do we really need to point out the utter lunacy of banning Fahrenheit 451? Or, maybe the book had some bad words, maybe some slurs or expletives of the sort we generally agree kids shouldn’t be saying. But is reading it in a book really suddenly going to make them go around telling people to eff off and to suck a fat one? Well, some people seem to think so. So of course authors have had to, in various combinations of eloquence, snark, wit, loftiness, and humor, rebuff the accusations and news of the bans. Beware: some of these are verbose. C'mon, they're writers.

Source: The New York Times
Mark Twain

Source: The Atlantic
And Tango Makes Three

Source: Telegraph

Source: Intellectual Freedom Blog

Source: The Guardian

Source: Vlogbrothers

Source: The Guardian
The Giver

Source: Lois Lowry's FAQ

Source: The Guardian

Source: Guernica

Source: The Comic Journal
Banned Books

Source: Carnegie Mellon Library

Source: Richmond Times-Dispatch

Source: Chicago Tribune

Source: The Indianapolis Recorder