15 Facts About The Making of the Godfather Movies

Francis Ford Coppola's The Godfather and The Godfather Part II are widely considered some of the best movies ever made, arguably containing the best ever story on the big screen. Godfather Part III? We don't talk about Godfather Part III.
The stories, the acting, even the fight scene where Sonny beats the tar out of Carlo with a phantom punch is still beloved by cinephiles. There have been books, classes, and documentaries about the making of this classic film, yet not all them have all the details.
For instance, did you know Marlon Brando was set to make a cameo in Part II? Or that Michael Corleone almost had a mustachioed actor play him instead of Al Pacino? Or the guy portrayed in the movie The Green Book is actually in the movie?
Leave the gun, take the cannoli, and read up about these 15 behind the scenes factoids about The Godfather that you can't refuse.

Source: Vanity Fair
The Godfather

Source: Movie Locations

Source: IndieWire

Source: GQ

Source: Vanity Fair
Burt Reynolds

Source: Variety

Source: MentalFloss
The Godfather Part II

Source: AMC

Source: Bustle

Source: NPR
The Godfather

Source: NPR
The Godfather Part III

Source: Entertainment Wekkly

Source: TIME

Source: AMC

Source: MovieLine