15 Unexpected Connections Between Famous People

“It's not what you know, it's who you know." -Every Person You Ever Met
Knowing a lot of people is always a big plus. You never know who you'll need to borrow money from. We could totally use $50 - you game? Just kidding. Climbing the ladder is always easier if you have many rungs in a network. If not, you're often at the mercy of how killer a resume you've got on the ole slush pile. It's way faster to know somebody on the inside that can warp that puppy forward.
So yeah, It's always easier to "make it" in any field if you have a leg in the door. Therefore, it's no wonder that Hollywood and government power is an incestuous cesspool of nepotism. If we regular folk are six degrees away from Kevin Bacon, everyone in Hollywood is probably two degrees. Here are 15 of the more surprising connections…

Source: CNN

Source: LA Times

Source: PBS

Source: Bazaar

Source: Billboard

Source: Detroit Free Press

Source: TODAY

Source: MTV

Source: The Guardian

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Source: The Meredith Vieria Show

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George Wendt

Source: EW

Source: NBC News

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