15 Inconceivable Facts About 'The Princess Bride'

When I was your age, television was called books, and the greatest movie of all time was called 'The Princess Bride.'
15 Inconceivable Facts About 'The Princess Bride'

True love is the greatest thing in the world, but The Princess Bride comes at a close second. Over three decades since its release, the film still holds up. Come on, it's the ultimate movie to watch about staying home sick from school, and the framing device is a kid staying home from school. Personally, we like the swordfighting and the Andre The Giant, but shhhhh don't tell anyone…we also like the kissy stuff. 

If we were really clever, we'd rhyme this intro. But we could never, our brains are Cheeto. We will take one year off of your life, if you promise not to stab us with a knife. Four lines is a quatrain, do you think it's about to rain? Man, we're really starting to side with Vizzini here, and we've only done four. Good lord that guy had more patience than he gets credit for.

Anyway, want some behind-the-scenes facts about the charming cult classic? As you wish. 

Princess Bride

There's a Spinal Tap easter egg in Princess Bride OORAL SEA usS Ov ae The hat Rob Reiner wore in Spinal Tap is hanging on the wall of The Grandson's room.

Source: EW

Andre's stuntman was a foot shorter than him CRACKEDCO Because of back problems, 7' 5 Andre needed to use a 6' 5 stuntman for scenes with Elwes on his back.

Source: EW

Peter Falk thought he was too young to play a grandfather. CRACKEDCOR At 60-something, Falk asked to test with prosthetics to look older. He didn't like how it looked.

Source: EW

Andre had to use wires to lift Robin Wright. CRAGKEDCOM Despite his large physique, Andre needed assistance lifting the small actress because he was in SO much physical pain from wrestling.

Source: EW

Princess Bride never even had a trailer. pv  The studio didn't know how to market the movie. It was not a big success when it was first released.

Source: EW

Andre the Giant had to be Fezzik CRACKED COM Rob Reiner couldn't understand a word Andre said during his audition. Reiner made tapes of himself saying the words, and Andre studied them.

Source: EW

Christopher Guest was stabbed in the leg during rehearsal CRACKEDcO While filming his sword fight, Guest unconsciously made the chk-chk-chk of the swords hitting with his mouth, requiring them to do another take.

Source: EW

Danny eVito was first choice for Vizzini CRACKED COM Wallace Shawn tried to do scenes as DeVito would have but found it impossible as he is inimitable.

Source: EW

The Princess Bride

The story was inspired by the author's daughters William Goldman asked his daughters what he should write about and one said a princess and the other said a bride.

Source: EW

Mandy Patinkin identified with Inigo Montoya Patinkin said, I had lost my own father - he died at 53 years old from pancreatic cancer in 1972. I didn't think about it consciously, but I think that there was a part of me that thought, If I get that man in

Source: EW

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