14 Wild Admissions Celebrities Made Mid Interview

Have you ever been in the middle of an interview and just stopped in your tracks when the interviewer asked you a question?
You're sitting in a job interview, and things are going well. The conversation is flowing, you feel like you can see yourself in the company's future, and then – out of nowhere – your interviewer asks you about a time you were caught doing something illegal. What do you do?
Sometimes, no matter how well you prepare, the questions catch you off guard. Celebrities are no different – they often make some pretty outrageous admissions during interviews.
Luckily for some celebrities, they have jaw-dropping admissions to share that saved them from what could have been an uncomfortable situation. From Tiger Woods admitted to cheating on his wife to Lance Armstrong confessing to doping throughout his cycling career, these confessions prove that even the biggest names in the entertainment world are human, after all. Read on for more outrageous admissions made by celebrities during job interviews!

Source: Salon

Source: Irish Times

Source: Telegraph
Keith Richards

Source: NME

Source: The View

Source: YouTube

Source: Mirror

Source: Good Morning Britain

Source: Today

Source: YouTube

Source: ABC News
Lady Gaga

Source: Vibe

Source: EW

Source: CNN