15 Characters Based On Their Own Creators

Write what you know, goes the proverbial writing advice. And what (or rather who) do you know better than yourself? So some writers take the maxim to its extreme, and create characters based on themselves. Maybe they want to vicariously explore their make-believe worlds through their clones; maybe they just don’t feel like coming up with yet another goddamn full character. Whatever the reason, authors often indulge in playing imaginary dress-up in their own works. Here are some examples.

Source: NPR

Source: Biography

Sources: Memory Alpha, Star Trek (Official Site)

Sources: CBR, Encyclopedia Britannica
Liz Lemon

Sources: NBC (via archive.org), Tina-Fey.org (via archive.org), Vogue

Source: Random House (via archive.org)

Sources: The Paris Review, The Stephen King Companion by George Beahm

Source: Accio Quote!

Source: Brian Jacques: The Official Site

Source: The Washington Post

Source: Ranker

Sources: CBR, Bitch Media

Source: Live Science

Source: Polygon