This Is Spinal Tap: 16 Behind-The-Scenes Facts That Walk The Fine Line Between Stupid And Clever

It's no secret that movies and TV shows are often more complicated than they appear on the surface. In addition to the actors and directors, there are dozens of people working behind the scenes to make sure everything runs smoothly. And while some of their job duties might seem mundane, they also have to deal with a lot of strange and unexpected things. For example, did you know that movie theatre popcorn is actually designed to smell good? Or that TV commercials are carefully calibrated to be as annoying as possible? Read on for more behind-the-scenes facts about movies and TV shows that walk the fine line between being stupid and clever.
Hose down your mud flaps and polish your love gun; it's time to read up on one of Britain's loudest bands. There are some behind-the-scenes facts about movies and TV shows that walk the fine line between being stupid and clever. For example, did you know that...

This Is Spinal Tap

Spinal Tap