15 Eyebrow-Arching Early Jobs Of Celebs

In an alternate universe, Matthew McConaughey starred in Titanic, while Leonardo DiCaprio carved out a niche as a great breakdancer. Here are more details on that and another 14 stories:

Source: WealthSimple

Source: Prince Could Ball! 7 Unexpected Pre-Fame Lives (RIP Prince)
Mick Jagger

Source: Prince Could Ball! 7 Unexpected Pre-Fame Lives (RIP Prince)
Whoopi Goldberg

Source: Prince Could Ball! 7 Unexpected Pre-Fame Lives (RIP Prince)

Source: Prince Could Ball! 7 Unexpected Pre-Fame Lives (RIP Prince)

Source: Seattle Post-Intelligencer
Chris Pratt

Source: Prince Could Ball! 7 Unexpected Pre-Fame Lives (RIP Prince)

Source: Digital Spy
Hulk Hogan

Source: Prince Could Ball! 7 Unexpected Pre-Fame Lives (RIP Prince)

Source: Nerdist

Source: The Independent
Orson Welles

Source: Folger Shakespeare Library
Lance Henriksen

Source: Ellensburg Daily Record

Source: Rolling Stone

Source: Insider