14 Iconic Movies Forever Altered By Huge Last-Minute Changes

In many ways movies are the cathedrals of the modern media landscape. They are massive financial and logistical undertakings, that involve armies of people with vastly different skill sets: from carpenters, electricians and audio technicians, to directors, writers, actors, make up artists, musicians and computer graphics experts. Obviously they require massive amounts of planning and coordination to pull off. Frankly its surprising films make it to the finish line at all.
With all that said, what's maybe even MORE surprising is the fact that films are often just as much defined by improvisation, unplanned deviations and the unanticipated changes that alter them forever.
You'd think the directors of some of the greatest movies of all time would have every last detail planned out, before even starting their masterpieces, right? You'd be extremely wrong! Scroll on down for more examples of iconic movies that were forever altered by last minute changes that no one anticipated.

Scott Pilgrim

George Lucas

World War Z