Tell Us Now: The 20 All-Time Worst Movie Couples

Listen, we all know the feeling. You're sitting in a movie theater, enjoying the latest blockbuster romance. The couple on-screen is ridiculously attractive, and their chemistry is off the charts. But then, as the story progresses, things start to sour. Maybe they start bickering for no reason, or one of them does something selfish and petty. Suddenly, the couple that seemed so perfect just moments ago feels painfully relatable. We've all been there, and it's never fun. In fact, it can be downright frustrating. So why do we keep going back for more?
For one thing, we're guilty of romanticizing the idea of "true love." We see a couple on-screen who seems to have it all, and we can't help but compare their relationship to our own. If they can make it work despite all the obstacles they face, maybe we can too. Additionally, it's important to remember that movies are designed to be entertaining. A well-written script will always include a few conflict scenes to keep things interesting. Without some tension between the two leads, the film would likely be pretty boring. So next time you find yourself getting frustrated with a movie couple, try to take a step back.
Here are a few examples of them…