13 Intriguing, Now-You-Know Things About Movies (And More)

Apparently, losing out on your kid’s birthday party is the price of fame.
13 Intriguing, Now-You-Know Things About Movies (And More)

We all love going to the movies, but how much do we actually know about them? Here are some interesting things you may not have known about movies. For example, did you know that...

- In 1939, Gone with the Wind had the biggest Hollywood premiere of all time, and it was attended by Clark Gable, Vivien Leigh, and Olivia de Havilland? 

- The first feature-length animated movie was Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs? It was released in 1937 and grossed over $184 million dollars. 

Is- The first-ever 3D movie made in 1922? It was called Bwana Devil and cost $250,000 to make. 

- Movie theaters used to be a popular destination.

Movies are a big part of our culture. We watch them, we discuss them, and sometimes we even quote them. But do we really know everything about movies? Here are some interesting things you may not have known. Keep scrolling down, and enjoy!


Scientists can work out how much pee there is in a pool by measuring artificial sweeteners. Some of those sweeteners aren't digested and don't easily break down in water, so measuring their amount in a pool gives you a pretty good idea of the amount of pee. NOW YOU KNOW

Source: NPR


Breakdancing has officially become an Olympic sport. TORNiA 86 Ch The first breakdancing event will be held at the 2024 Olympics in Paris -. it's part of the Olympic committee trying to get a younger crowd to tune in. NOW YOU KNOW CRACKED.COM

Source: ESPN

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