16 Subjects Of Biopics Who Loathed Them

Ah, the biopic – Hollywood’s go to format for award season. Aside from studios wanting to rake in the little statues, the format is also a good place to explore a real-life person pretty intimately. And if you’re the subject of a biopic, well, congratulations! Doesn’t that mean you made it? You’re life is so interesting that there are actual movies about it! But not everyone is flattered that they’re selected from the billions and billions of possible life stories. In fact, they can get downright angry. For instance, if you’re a scummy stock broker and the movie about your scummy stock brokering portrays you as a scummy stock broker, well, that’s not very nice of Hollywood, is it? Oh woe is you, committing crimes and people knowing about it. And, everyone, please take a moment to feel sorry for Mark Zuckerberg. Jesse Eisenberg made him look like a horny lil weenie one time back in 2010.

Source: Frank Abagnale

Source: Huffington Post

Source: People

David Letterman

Source: EW

Source: Variety

Source: New Renaissance Magazine

Source: The Guardian