16 Random Facts For Hungry Brains

Cracked exists for two purposes: teaching you stuff and making all the writers and artists rich, famous, and sexually irresistible. As the second part of this mission statement has long been declared an utter failure (just ask any of us), we're doubling down on the pedagogical angle. Now, these facts might not help you land a job (except, maybe, writing for some website), but they will definitely give you something to make small talk about, which might be just as challenging (again, just ask any of us).
If you're anything like me, then you love learning random facts. They're just so darn fascinating! And while there's nothing wrong with reading off of a listicle in your spare time, sometimes it's fun to go deep into a topic. That's why today I'm bringing you some of the coolest and quirkiest random facts about food.
(And as usual, you can follow the links to learn even more.)

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