15 Video Games That Had To Change Bizarre Details (In Different Countries)

As video games move from a pastime for children and teenagers to a form of entertainment enjoyed by people of all ages, the demand for more sophisticated content has grown. This has led to the development of new genres within the medium, including narrative-driven adventure games and multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) titles. While there are still plenty of lightweight games out there that can be enjoyed in short bursts, gamers are now looking for titles that offer substantial replay value and hours of enjoyment.
There are some video games that have bizarre details in them that you might not have known about. For example, did you know that the original Super Mario Bros. for the NES had a debug mode built into it? Or that the Birdo character in Super Mario Bros. 2 was originally supposed to be a man who turned into a bird but was changed due to censorship issues? There are all sorts of interesting tidbits like this hidden away in older video games. In this article, we'll take a look at some of the more bizarre details from some classic video games. Stay tuned!


Mike Tyson’s Punch Out!!

Crash Bandicoot

Mega Man

Source: Nintendo Life