12 Bizarre Yet Real Things That Happened In The Past Few Weeks

In movies, vast fortunes are hidden behind elaborate booby traps, snarling dogs, watchful guards, and so on. In reality, which is much dumber and more boring, there’s just a password form that locks you out after enough tries. See, that's the thing life: totally insane, unbelievable things are happening all around us, all the time. While also being kinda mundane. These things get reported on, but barely noticed, and that's why we're here.
Sure, maybe your grandmother went to a somehow still-functioning mall, wandered into a weirdly-lit Thomas Kinkade store, and bought you some official Thomas Kinkade Mandalorian art as a birthday gift. But are you really gonna tell us a Thomas Kinkade painting of Mando and Grogu isn't shocking? If you had “Thomas Kinkade Mandalorian Art” on your 2022 bingo card, we don't know, man. Play the lottery.
Anyway, we've collected a bunch of weirdo stories to puzzle your brain here:

Source: Inside Hook

Source: Sora News 24

Source: Gizmodo
A Little Brain Donation For You

Source: The Guardian

Source: CTV News

Source: VICE

Source: CNBC

Source: The Guardian

Source: CNN

Source: NBC New York

Source: New York Times

Source: Moscow Times, Reuters