15 Famous People With (Unknown) Super Weird Hobbies

We tend to think of celebrities as something other than people. After all, they are typically wealthier beyond our imagination and live lives that aren't typical to the regular Joe Schmoe, Jane Schmane, or Louis Schmouis. What can they possible have in common with the common man? Well, you might be playing Command and Conquer: Red Alert on your PC online and be surprised when you're paired up against John Cena.
Celebrities may not live like us, but many of them have the same hobbies that we enjoy. It's just that on occasion the hobbies can be a bit more eccentric. Like Professor Slughorn's carvings of weird wooden dolls or Bob Dylan lighting up a blowtorch to make steampunk metal gates. You might be serving jury duty and wondering why Lucy Lawless is in attendance at the trial.
Take a look and see if have any hobbies in common with these eccentric celebrities.

Source: Open Culture

Source: US News

Source: The Guardian

Source: Sunday Post, The Telegraph
The Dutch King

Source: The Guardian

Source: 5 Celebrities Who Love Their Hobbies More Than Their Careers

Source: 5 Celebrities Who Love Their Hobbies More Than Their Careers
Would be better if she showed up as Xena

Source: 6 Celebrities (You Never Realized Have Terrifying Hobbies)

Source: 5 Celebrities Who Love Their Hobbies More Than Their Careers
Very Billy

Source: 6 Celebrities (You Never Realized Have Terrifying Hobbies)

Source: 5 Famous People And Their Wacky Hobbies You Never Knew About

Source: 6 Celebrities (You Never Realized Have Terrifying Hobbies)
Professor Slughorn

Source: The Guardian

Source: Vanity Fair

Source: Open Culture