14 Famous People Who Tanked Their Careers Or Tarnished Legacies (In Strange Ways)

Oh, to be human, living a human life. It can be quite challenging at times, but most all of us are pretty good about making it through life without doing anything too terribly bad. Famous people are like that too, mostly. Lots of beloved celebrities go their entire lifetimes without stealing a boat, marrying their cousin, or beating authors with a baseball bat. But these folks, well, these folks just can't get enough of it! Of course, not every career ender or career tarnishing thing is a crime – sometimes it’s just a mistake. A very embarrassing, hugely public mistake. Like messing up the national anthem. And yet other times, it’s not the famous person’s fault really at all – it’s simply the hiring people who don’t like their new nose. Those are the ones we have sympathy for. But for those who are beating people with bats, no, they can shoo, get on out of here, get.

Evel Knievel

Jennifer Grey