15 Sly References to the Source Material in Movies and Shows

This is how filmmakers tell you, "Yes, I did read the original."
15 Sly References to the Source Material in Movies and Shows

There’s a reason why adaptations and remakes aren’t exactly the same as the original: That’s because otherwise you wouldn’t have two stories -- you’d have one story, twice. You’d be paying for top talent and state-of-the-art effects, just to end up with a perfectly redundant product in your hands.

But even as creators put their own spin on the stuff they’re resampling, they also include little nods to the source material. It’s kind of like their way to tell you, “Yes, I do know the original, now get off my case.” These are some examples of that.

Thor: Ragnarok

Thor: Ragnarok Valkyrie is referred to as Scrapper 142. The character first appeared in issue #142 SEES of Incredible Hulk. HURLI DEA WC

Source: CBR

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