13 Cameos By Jocks Shows Thought Would Be Funny (For Some Reason)

Athlete cameos are sitcom casting stunts designed to bring in viewers -- but are they actually funny?
13 Cameos By Jocks Shows Thought Would Be Funny (For Some Reason)

Athlete cameos are sitcom casting stunts designed to bring in viewers -- but are they actually funny?

Barry Bonds

BARRY BONDS BEVERLY HILLS 90210 Barry plays Barry, who shows up on the golf course to talk trash steve Sanders and his dad. YOu missed those opport


Bill Buckner

BILL BUCKNER CURB YOUR ENTHUSIASM CRACKED COM Buckner will live in sports infamy for allowing a ball to go through his legs in Game 6 of the '86 Serie


Mr. Burns’ All-Star Baseball Team

MLB ALL-STARS LITY CHAMPS THE SIMPSONS CRACKED COM Mr. Burns assembles a pantheon of all-time baseball greats for the company softball team. See Ken G



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