15 Great TV Shows We (Blessedly) Forgot Had Disastrous Spinoffs

Are you sitting down? This may come as a surprise, but TV execs will do anything to make a buck – up to, including, and especially bastardizing your favorite characters. It's not as if the story is so precious to them—and the writers and crew and creators' legacy certainly are not. They know you just want one last hit of M*A*S*H, and even if the spinoff sucks, you'll tune in long enough for them to sell you some Brylcreem or whatever.
Did you there were not one, but two spinoffs of M*A*S*H*? Or a non-Frasier spinoff of Cheers? A great drinking game for landing yourself pretty severely in the hospital is to drink every time you haven't heard of a show. Hang on, the ambulance is here, we'll be back…soon? Maybe? To finish the article. Don't finish our Jameson, dude. The TV told us it was barrel-finished.
Here are some smash-hit TV shows that were subjected to head-scratching spinoffs:

Source: YouTube

Source: YouTube
Home Improvement

Source: CBS News

Source: YouTube

Source: YouTube
That ’80s Show

Source: YouTube