20 Fascinating (Worldwide) Food Traditions

The beauty of the world comes from the vast and varied ways in which its residents live their lives, and that extends to food. For example, some people actually ENJOY sauerkraut. Imagine! Collected below are 20 of the most interesting traditions and meals from around the globe.

Source: Republicworld

Source: Spoon University

Source: Food Network

Source: Wander-Lush

Source: Food Network

Source: Republicworld

Source: Wander-Lush

Source: Food Network

Source: Republicworld

Source: Food Network

Source: New York Times

Source: Food Network

Source: Wander-Lush

Source: Mashed

Source: Food Network

Source: Food Network
Every home with a 20-piece bucket under the tree

Source: Mashed
Inuit Culture

Source: Mashed

Source: Republicworld

Source: Mashed