21 Ways America Is Vastly Different From Other Countries

There's a ton of stuff that's incredibly commonplace in America that would be considered super bizarre anywhere else.
21 Ways America Is Vastly Different From Other Countries

One of the side effects of living in the United States is thinking that what you see around you is normal. But as it turns out, there's a ton of stuff that's incredibly commonplace in America that would be considered super bizarre anywhere else.


ELECTIONS Text UNITED RIDIN to 30330 In the U.S., races often start more than a year before the actual vote. In most other countries, campaigns last O
BREAD To visitors from other countries, American bread tastes like cake. That's because manufacturers add a ton of h-fructose corn syrup-the stuff is

Source: BBC

College Loans

COLLEGE LOANS 21P STOP OUR the price of QUY DR UTURE Even keeping to where student loans are necessary, there's a big difference in how the U.S. and o

The Two-Party System

TWO PARTIES There are ten political parties represented in Israel's parliament, the Knesset. The Bundestag in Germany has six. Eleven in the Oireachta

Income Inequality

INEQUALITY When it comes to income, the U.S. is one of the most unequal countries in the world. In 2014, for example, it ranked #1 (China has since ov


EGGS The FDA mandates that eggs be washed, which removes their natural protective coating and makes them more susceptible to spoilage. Other countries


RELIGION a az anca a1 Among developed countries, America is the most religious. A study by the Pew Research Center found that wealthy countries tend t

Source: Pew

WHITE TEETH Foreigners don't get why many Americans, even the ones who aren't celebrities, are SO obsessed with having perfectly straight, unnaturally

Source: BBC

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