Tell Us Now: Who Was Your Worst Customer?

The consumer isn't always correct, and they always believe they are, even if they are trying to punch a barista mostly in the face.
As such, with equal measures catharsis, stigmatizing, and jolly old uncovering in mind, researchers asked service economy veterans from across the country to share stories about customers they can't seem to forget – no matter what they've done. Thank your God for all the opportunities you've never had to deal with anybody like that, and if you recognize themself in either of these patrons, may your prawn servings always be small.
If you've ever worked in the service industry, you've probably met the pettiest of humanity. Customers can be petty to downright cruel, but you're expected to assist them while smiling. On Facebook, we asked Cracked readers, "What was your worst customer experience?" Some of them were terrifying, but we've compiled a list of the most entertaining ones for you to enjoy. Scroll down and discover what’s inside…