16 Game-Changing Movie Firsts

There's been a lot of firsts at the movies. First dates, first kisses, first time getting popcorn kernels weirdly stuck in your back molar and needing to use your soda straw to awkwardly wedge it out. Cinema itself has seen a lot of milestones as an art form as well. From the first movie to break financial records, to the first use of groundbreaking new technologies, the movies have helped drive a lot of innovation.
Once moviegoers saw their first naked lady, heard their first scandalous toilet flush, and witnessed Ol' Blue Eyes get karate chopped in the face… well, there was no stuffing the genie back in the bottle.
We dredged up more than a dozen game changing movie firsts.
For example, did you know Jaws was the first movie to break the $100 million dollar box office barrier? Or that the first on screen cell phone was featured in Lethal Weapon? It is of course roughly the size of a shoe box.
Scroll down for more game changing movie firsts!

A Little Brain Donation For You

The First PG-13 Rating

The First Movie Karate Fight

The First Spit-Take

The First Motion Picture

Early Films

George Lucas