21 Things That Earned People the Most Bragging Rights As Children

‘Scar Lion King POG Slammer’
21 Things That Earned People the Most Bragging Rights As Children

Being a child is a living nightmare. You’re plunked down in the middle of a society whose rules and functions are a complete mystery to you, and indeed, you have no faculties for even beginning to comprehend them. Then you’re sent to a tiny building with lots of other confused little goblins and told not just to make friends but that making friends is the most important factor in your future social survival. The results have been the subject of dystopian novels.

It’s no surprise, in that kind of environment, that kids grasp onto anything they can that makes them stand out and look cool to their peers. Sometimes it’s a neat physical ability, sometimes it’s family connections, and sometimes it’s just a really cool toy. Whatever the case, it’s a jungle out there, and only the fittest of babies make it out alive. That’s why user Tempest_OW_ asked r/AskReddit, “What was your ultimate flex when you were a child?”

DogSpeaksTreeSkin 5y ago Scar Lion King POG slammer.
Djeff_ 5y ago Beating people in foot races
Shadow-Jinkus 5y ago Bringing McDonald's to school during lunch time.
Arsenal mister_dupont 5y ago We used to own a bakkery so I always had the best bread, buns, etc during lunch.
 5y ago Being able to change the inter tubes on a popped bicycle tire.
StarSpudwick 5y ago Having the longest name in a preschool class. Suck it, Kevins!
 5y ago I had all these fake mobile phones they used for displays in stores. I used to sell them.
Devonai 5y ago I had the Kenner Luke Skywalker figure with the yellow lightsaber that comes out of his forearm.
Pyrhhus 5y ago The 152 count or whatever it was Crayola box. The bigass one that looked like a treasure chest
 5y ago My dad worked with Steve Irwin and we often had dinners etc with his family
refreshing_username 5y ago Giant earth-shattering belches at will. Great to do in the echo-chamber gym during PE in 6th grade.
spiritualspanx 5y ago I could do multiplication facts really fast. I won the multiplication bee. I'd like to thank my mom for all of the hours she spent reviewing flashcards with me to make me the nerdiest 3rd grader of all time.
WOH wow LIKES_ROCKY_IV 5y ago I was on the front page of the newspaper with my head stuck through a hole in the bottom of a cardboard box that was filled with jelly beans.
Tatopami 5y ago I can touch my nose with my tongue and I can pop my jaw, my dad has stated that whenever he hears me pop my jaw he's scared that my jaw is just going to unhinge like a snake
EIBeatch 5y ago Do the longest skid on my bike at the end of a dead-end street. The trick is to lean forward and take some weight off the back tire, but I didn't share that with anyone. I wanted to win everytime and I did.
Susim-the-Housecat 5y ago - I could stand at the top of a steep grassy hill and dive into a front-roll and do multiple front-rolls all the way down to the bottom, with no kind of gymnastic or other sport training. I'm lucky I didn't break my fucking neck, i would literally fling myself down these hills. but other kids were always super impressed because none of them could do it.
STUD throwbackfinder 5y ago Edited 5y ago CPS2000 Super Soaker The most powerful super soaker to ever hit the market. Some idiot of a person threw it in the trash as they thought it was just old. I miss it a lot as nothing compares to being physically exhausted trying to get those final charges in to pump it up to full power. When you maxed it out, you knew you were about to do a 'lotta damage!
matti-niall 5y ago I had an electric scooter, must have been flexin hard since some parents would harass me for riding it on school property after school, I had one lady who was so jealous that she would follow me on my way home and scream you need a license for that thing I checked with the police meanwhile I'm 13 years old riding a toy designed for kids
Olidude44 5y ago Me and my friends would compare how many cuts and bruises we had on our legs. I was always the winner. I have atopic dermatitis
PunchyPractitioner 5y ago I can blow air out of my tear ducts. Not so impressive at 34, but in middle school that was a real crowd pleaser.
CptCringe 5y ago I had a Charizard card. Kneel before your king.


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