21 Things That Earned People the Most Bragging Rights As Children

Being a child is a living nightmare. You’re plunked down in the middle of a society whose rules and functions are a complete mystery to you, and indeed, you have no faculties for even beginning to comprehend them. Then you’re sent to a tiny building with lots of other confused little goblins and told not just to make friends but that making friends is the most important factor in your future social survival. The results have been the subject of dystopian novels.
It’s no surprise, in that kind of environment, that kids grasp onto anything they can that makes them stand out and look cool to their peers. Sometimes it’s a neat physical ability, sometimes it’s family connections, and sometimes it’s just a really cool toy. Whatever the case, it’s a jungle out there, and only the fittest of babies make it out alive. That’s why user Tempest_OW_ asked r/AskReddit, “What was your ultimate flex when you were a child?”