40 Random Bits of Pop-Culture Trivia That Will Come True If You Wish Hard Enough

If these are wrong, it’s your fault
40 Random Bits of Pop-Culture Trivia That Will Come True If You Wish Hard Enough

Ultron could have been way cooler, and Groot was almost way more boring.

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James Gunn

James Gunn had Guardians of the Galaxy VFX artists scan his dog's mouth and incorporate it into the mouth of the Rocket Raccoon CGI model. DR. yon SPE

Jim Gaffigan

JIM GAFFIGAN WAS A WALK-ON PLAYER FOR A BIG TEN CONFERENCE FOOTBALL TEAM. PURDUE 60 Gaffigan played for the Purdue Boilermakers after walking on the t

Battlestar Galactica

Worst TV Finales Battlestar Galactica (original) The gang has just defeated the Cylons in battle, and just before leaving to celebrate, a random butt bump actually catches the Earth signals they've been looking for all this time, but there's no one there to see them. It's not irony, it's space irony. CRACKED.COM


From Dust till Dawn

FROM DUSK TILL DAWN QUENTIN TARANTINO GOT $1,500 FOR WRITING THE SCRIPT. Well, it was his first paid writing gig, after all. CRACKED.COM


At Last the 1948 Show

At Last The 1948 Show CRACKED.COM This was essentially a precursor to Monty Python, featuring a pre-fame John Cleese and Graham Chapham. 10 of the 12 episodes have been recovered, but 2 remain elusive.


THE SITCOM FRASIER RAN FOR 11 SEASONS. Who could forget Kelsey Grammer as the pompous Frasier Crane, his snobby brother Niles, or their down-to-earth

Channing Tatum

Channing Tatum skipped the 2018 Oscar awards to stay home with his daughter. Then-wife Jenna Dewan said he was happy to be spending the night with the


Ultron could have had six arms. The Avengers' robotic foe was a big enough problem with just two arms. Can you imagine six of them?

Michael Jackson

MICHAEL JACKSON WAS KILLED BY THE IRANIAN GOVERMENT As reported by The Telegraph, many believed that Mahmoud Ahmadinejad had The King of Pop murdered

Johnny Depp

Johnny Depp was a dead-on Hunter S. Thompson. And SO was Bill Murray Murray played the iconic journalist in Where The Buffalo Roam back in 1980. Criti


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