40 Random Bits of Pop-Culture Trivia Honked to Us by a Particularly Savvy Goose
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We’re very fluent in goose.
The Rihanna Curse

Charlie Day

Macaulay Culkin

Forest Whitaker

Source: 15 Actors Who Went Way, Way Beyond The Call Of Duty For A Movie
Will Smith

Spider-Man: No Way Home

Dying Light 2

The Ultimate Warrior

Source: 39 Surprisingly Profound Quotes from Unexpected Sources
Dolly Parton

Blinded by the Light


Source: SVG
Sean Penn

Source: People.com
Monty Python


Movie Tropes

John Lennon

Super Speed

Ninja Turtles

Captain America

Bella Thorne

Hot Tub Time Machine 2

The Watcher

Plan 9 From Outer Space

Captain Kangaroo


Charlie Sheen

Source: Mental Floss
Howard Stern vs. Joe Rogan

Thor: Ragnarok

The Amazing Spider-Man

The Force Awakens

Source: CinemaBlend
True Blood

Source: Vulture
True Detective

Isla Fisher


Source: Buzzfeed
Shaun of the Dead

Johnny Depp

The Death Star


Live and Let Die

Doctor Who