23 Extinct Creatures That Would Be Nightmares for Humans If They Still Existed

‘The Kelenken, aka terror bird’
23 Extinct Creatures That Would Be Nightmares for Humans If They Still Existed

The extinction of a species, by human hands, is a serious failing of our civilization. I don’t care if dodos tasted like a cross between Popeyes and Red Lobster biscuits, you shouldn’t hunt something until it’s literally wiped off the face of the earth. Is it that hard to leave two of them around at least? If there’s one donut left in the box, but eating it means donuts are gone forever, maybe get a granola bar, you know?

That said, there are some ancient extinct animals that, scientifically, would be nice to have around, but in a practical sense wouldn’t be that pleasant.

Redditors have sounded off on what they think might be the most annoying extinct creatures to still exist, and whether it’s their aptitude at killing and eating us or just pure, prehistoric inconvenience, some animals are probably saving us a headache by being long gone.

comeallwithme 4y ago Edited 4y ago Mosasaurus. You think orcas and sharks are bad (both of whom very rarely mess with humans)? The thing's basically a giant Komodo Dragon with flippers that eats anything smaller than it, which is most sea creatures and humans. Imagine trying to sail with those monsters hanging around. 359 ...
TallNTangled 4y ago Sarcosuchus Imperator was a crocodile who measured over 40 feet long and is estimated to have had one of the greatest bite forces in history. Something that could go in and out of the ocean like that and just gobble up a family walking by the beach (not even right next to the water) is terrifying. They were thought to have scavenged out of the water. 3.1K ...
DrG1ggles 4y ago brachiosaurus. they are not predators but they apparently pooped and farted so much that it would scare away predators. imagine getting farted on and then just dying. - 1.9K ...
rekalo 4y ago giant fucking bugs could u imagine a bird sized mosquito taking a pint from you 1.2K ...
 4y ago Edited 4y ago Although an expected answer, the Megalodon. This is because similar to Great White sharks they would often reside just off the coast of beaches. Due to their large jaws I'm guessing there will be no aw that doesn't taste good, let's spit it out, instead it would be they ate you in one bite so forget livable injuries. If they were still around no one would be at the beaches that's for sure. Edit: grammar ... - 897
sheepsleepdeep 4y ago Unless I had full head to toe plate armor and an automatic shotgun with a drum, I don't like my chances against a Haast's Eagle out in the open. It was a 30 pound bird of prey that hunted moa in New Zealand . Imagine 30 pounds dive bombing you out of the blue with 2 inch talons and a 4 inch claw on each foot. It went extinct only like 400 years ago because the first humans to inhabit the area hunted the moa go extinction almost immediately and starved out the eagles. 1.9K ...
Cry75 4y ago Short faced bear. Bigger than any current bear species. Could absolutely destroy a person. 488 ...
Additional_Cry_1904 4y ago Cave bear. I think I remember from somewhere people who study human migration patterns noticed that humans didn't cross the land bridge into North America until the cave bear started dying out, meaning that these fuckers were so bad that they quite literally stopped humans from reaching an entire continent. But IDK, not sure if it's true or not but when I heard it | was like damn. - 621 ... OnCominStorm 4y ago Cabe bear is one of the few animals we didn't contribute to the extinction of that existed during the Ice Age. We killed
RoriksteadResident 4y ago The Kelenken, aka terror bird. 735 ...
nickeypants 4y ago Any other hominin species. Neanderthal, Denisovans etc. It would be such a moral pain in the ass. Can we put them in zoos? Do they get nature preserves? Do we give them human rights? How would we share land and resources? Would we go to war? | feel like the world is only big enough for one of us, and it might not be big enough for just us either. - 3.6K ...
Lum1nessence_ 4y ago Prehistoric crocodiles had long legs and could gallop like horses. Imagine if Floridians managed to tame that shit. They would be unstoppable. 248 ...
Competitive-Yak-7284 4y ago Dodos. They had no fear of humans so they would invade our cities like immense, slow-walking pain-in-the-ass pigeons. Every time you tried to catch a bus you'd be surrounded by a flock of f _en dodos looking all cute at you and side-eyeing your sandwich. Why did the dodo cross the road? IT DIDN'T, it just stood in the middle of the road staring into space and pooping for half an hour, holding up all the goddam traffic. And then they'd get in the subways and breed and try to peck your luggage or some sh*t. Absolute
Nail_Biterr 4y ago Fucking Quetzalcoatlus. They were the size of small aircrafts (wingspan of 10 meters - or 33 feet). They're big enough that they could just swoop down and grab a horse. You think People would be a problem for them to m to eat? 185 ...
LHandrel 4y ago Something like 90% of these answers would be a nightmare for like a month and after that we would have killed them all off or otherwise rendered them a nonthreat. The only things that might cause lasting problems would be some of the aquatic stuff, because oceans are big, and stuff like parasites. 310 ...
the2belo 4y ago The passenger pigeon. Most people recall that this bird was hunted to extinction by humans around the turn of the 20th century, but many don't realize the reason behind it. justified or not: The passenger pigeon was once the most numerous bird in North America, and possibly the entire world - estimates in the mid-19th century put the population at over 3 1/2 billion, and perhaps as many as 5 billion. They were also very social, preferring to nest and breed in massively large flocks; migrating passenger pigeons would number in the literal millions, blackening the sky for hours.
onionleekdude 4y ago So many of the large predators people are thinking of have one thing in common. None of them are immune to bullets. 208 ...  4y ago Laughs in Ankylosaurus 122 ...
guy The-master-of-hentai 4y ago Edited 4y ago The smallpox virus. It has killed far beyond one billion people and plagued us for thousands of years.. given that the vaccine wouldnt be available it would definetly quickly decrease the population drastically 96 ...
Additional-Head725 4y ago A stegosaurus would cause traffic nightmares. They're basically bulletproof and slow as shit ... - 27
jerrythecactus 4y ago Assuming the fact that the atmosphere has much less oxygen in it than it originally had when they existed can be ignored, those massive snake sized centipedes that existed millions of years ago. Imagine if you got the biggest meanest centipede and made it big enough to eat a small child with ease. Yeah, that would be a very bad thing. 13 ...
 4y ago At one point there were apparently giant terrestrial whales that would just kinda scoot along the ground at their own leisure. I imagine a big whale boy blocking interstates or other big roads would be an issue. - 9 ...
Northman67 4y ago The true raptors the ones that are about two or three feet tall the size of a small dog but run in packs. Imagine they're meaner than geese and have wicked claws! 9 ...  4y ago I was with you until you said meaner than geese, now it's just pure fantasy. 6 ...
Diek_Shmacker 4y ago Dunkleosteus terrelli, it's a predatory fish like the great white shark but with armor plated head. D. terrelli can grow up to 8.79 m (28.8 ft) and 4 t (8820 lbs) in weight. 9 ...
 4y ago | feel like pterodactyls would be a nuisance. 6.5K ...


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